Tag Archives: knife

A True Art?

I’ve been doing some reading about papercutting but there aren’t that many books about it to be honest. I think it’s either an ignored artform, called something else by the professional ladies and gentlemen or maybe papercutting is kind of self-explanatory and doesn’t require further research.  Or maybe, shudders, it’s not considered an artform at […]


Almost there (alias. The Big Push)

Well its been an exciting week. Finally told some folk what I’ve been up too (learning papercutting) and people seem to like them!! Which is way more than I could have ever hoped for.  The twitters round the 2000 mark (but the facebook struggles a bit) and we’re building a wee shop to see if […]


Paper Cutting (from my cats point-of-view)

P.O.V of my Cat, Sherlock. His deep and meaningful interpretation of paper-cutting as art. :-There IT (my human slave) goes again. IT’s making noise and scrunching up the paper into a ball for me. I go into the bin and get a hold of it. I throw it in the air, ignoring my humans lamented […]


Weak Week

Well I had managed to cut a poem and my confidence was fairly confident. “The world is now my paper-cut Oyster” I thought to myself.  Karma at this point was probably having a similar metaphorical reaction except its went like this – “Mwahahahahahaahahahaa” cue diabolically finger movements. The beginning of my week was rather positive. […]


A Post that will Rhyme and a Poem with Time

Since this post is about my first ever poem Cut with a blade whilst in my small home I think it should rhyme and have a nice twist Just like cutting those letters with a flick of the wrist It started with finding a nice swishy font And buying the copyright from my favourite haunt […]

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Superglue, Knives and Birds Oh My!

It was 2am in the morning, the moon was high and there wolves were on the hunt (ok thats not accurate- it was raining and there’s no wolves).  And I had just nearly finished a complicated-ish (I’ve only been at this for 3 weeks now) papercut when my knife slipped.  It ran over my thumb […]



With blades getting switched out after nearly every papercut and my finger developing a strange cramping feeling in only my middle and pointy finger and three papercuts a day (much like being tortured by Manticore) – I am still determined to master Lettering (said with a fake dramatic echo).  Its just trying to get the […]